Model for viral based transmissions under various conditions

Virus referring as poison which is a replicanting agent which make a copy of itself under the host, the host can be any living cell,although replication can have another set of rules and dependence on various factors like the viral nature and its multiplication information within the host cell.

Courtesy @Wikipedia

Virion termed as single virus particle, made of genes in DNA / RNA protected by capsid. DNA / RNA is being protected by nucleocapsid, made of proteins and can either have a fat based lipid (envelope).

These are very small and ranging from 20-300 nm but can be seen using powerful light microscope or electron microscope.

Tranmission Life cycle
Virus can enter directly to the plasma membrane or via into an endosome depending on the type of virus. It can bind with the protein of tha cell membrane. Viral genetic material have a very low codebase with proteins. All enveloped based viruses contain fusion proteins. The virion contains copies of its fusion protein. Example: Influenza virus can have around 1000 copies others can even have 12.

Transmission rate / basic reproduction number
The R nought is the deciding factor in epidemiology to calculate the impact rate if target living is susceptible and without any antiviral drug.
R0 decides the branching factor in tranmission rate of the viral infection, which either can have Liner propogation when R0 = 1, or tree if R0 > 1, or logN for R0 < 1
the higher the R0 constant the harder to control it.Also R0 decides the branching factor in tree. The R0 for Measles is 12–18, COVID-19 is 1.4–5.7 and Common cold is 2–3.
So if at inital P0 = 1 , with R0 = 1; after time (t) the log rate will be r = d log(P)/dt
so after a time (T) the total sum of infections will be Pi+1 = pi+ rPidt

Coding Mathematical Model
Its simple now, just convert the equation to line graph:

P=1 // initial infected patient
r=2.5 // transmission rate for COVID
totalDays = 10 // calculate for first 10 days
for (i = 0,i < totalDays ;i++){


Current Data Graph:

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